The forging division is adjusted to hot die forgings manufacturing a weight of 0,1 to 4 kg.
The forging lines are equipped with forging presses: Metal LZK 1000 (2 lines), LZK 1600 (2 lines). The production lines consist of inductive heaters and trimming presses.
Knuckle-joint, hydraulic and eccentric presses with 100 to 1000t pressure are used for coining, calibrating, ironing or cold blanking.
The forgings produced by Promot-ZM, can be heat treated and machined according to client’s technical specification. The company has a vast experience in carbon, high alloyed, stainless, acid resistant and creep resistant steel forging.
An “in-house” tool shop equipped with CNC lathes and milling centers, electroerosion machines, grinders and others devices assures forging tools are made precisely and allows a possibility of quick dies regeneration.